Traditional Lithuanian Culture in the 21st c.

This website is dedicated to the 21st c. Lithuanian village and its people,
who have preserved and still follow the traditions that they inherited.



We would like to thank all of the people of the region of Gervėčiai and the forest dwellers of Dzūkija who invited us into their homes, who shared with us their knowledge and memories and who allowed us to photograph their homes and celebrations.

We would also like to thank all of the participants, like-minded friends and travellers of the 2010-2012 research expeditions to Gervėčiai region.

The books were prepared by implementing the EU Structural Fund-financed project "Lithuania Here and There: Language, Science, Culture, Society" (No VP1-2.2-ŠMM-08-V-02-005).

The research in Gervėčiai region in 2010-2012 was funded by the Science Council of Lithuania:
the programme "State and Nation: Inheritance and Identity"
the project "Gervėčiai: Historical Memory and Cultural Identity" (VAT-17/2010)

Prepared by Arūnas Baltėnas, Saulė Matulevičienė
Book's structure and design by Arūnas Baltėnas, Saulė Matulevičienė
Sound recordings prepared by Mantas Lapeika
Edited by Neringa Klišienė
Translated into English by Gabriella Anelauskaite

© 2014